Gemstone Sponsorship Packages

The mission of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), is to substantially increase the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. We accomplish this goal with the generous support of our sponsors.

Your investment in this conference and AISES year-round programming makes it possible for AISES to continually enhance and expand our impact through development opportunities, convening the largest STEM career and education fair in Indian Country, delivering relevant and inspiring keynote speakers and providing both formal and informal networking and mentoring opportunities to our attendees.

For sponsorship opportunities contact:

Kellie Jewett-Fernandez 
Director of Business and Program Development
720-552-6123 Ext. 105 

To Purchase Sponsorship Opportunities:

Sign-up as a Sponsor! 


For more Informaiton view:
2016 Sponsorship Info Booklet

2016 National Conference Gemstone Sponsorship Packages

Gemstone Sponsorship Packages Turquoise
Brand Visibility
Advertisement in the National Conference Program X      
Electronic signage throughout the Convention Center X      
Recognition as a Gemstone Sponsor in all printed materials X X X X
Logo presence outside the main ballroom where the Opening Ceremony and Closing Banquet are held  X X    
Your logo displayed throughout the conference X X X X
Recognition on the AISES website with link to organization website X X X X
Pre-conference e-mail communication to all registered attendees X X X X
Insert in the conference bag X X X X
Recognition in the National Conference edition of the Winds of Change magazine as a Gemstone Sponsor (advertising is separate) X X X X
Option for discounted Winds of Change advertising X X X X
NEW! Option for 45 Minute Webinar to AISES membership X X    
Career Fair Presence
Career Fair booth(s) 20x40 20x20 20x10 10x10
Full Conference registrations* 15 6 4 2
Career Fair booth personnel passes** 6 6 4 2
Reserved Interview booth on career fair on interview floor 3 2 1  
National Conference Presence
10-minute videotaped message from company senior executive*** X      
Complimentary suite at host hotel X      
Reserved table(s) at Traditional Closing Banquet with 10 tickets per table 3 2 1 1
Complimentary meeting/interview room available Thursday and Friday X      
Special sponsorship designation on company attendee badges X X X X
Exclusive Gemstone Sponsor Gift X X X X
Twelve-month access to AISES Resume Database X X X X

*Full Conference registration includes entrance to all conference events (except those requiring separate registration), a boxed lunch at the Career Fair, and the Traditional Honors Banquet. 
**Career Fair booth personnel passes include access to the Career Fair & Interview Booths, and a boxed lunch at the Career Fair.
***AISES will require sponsors to create a videotaped message from their designated representative to be played during either the Opening Ceremony or Traditional Closing. Ten-minute message to be played on-screen at the Opening Ceremony or at the Traditional Closing. Senior executive will be introduced and will receive on-stage recognition. 


Winds of Change Discounted Advertising

Gemstone Sponsorship Packages Turquoise Coral Lapis Onyx
Brand Visibility

With your gemstone sponsorship, you have an option to receive discounted advertising in AISES’ Winds of Change Media, including both print and digital visibility to all AISES members and supporters.

Reach 6,000 AISES members and supporters in print and more than 12,000 in digital media


Winds of Change magazine is published 5 times a year in 4 print issues and 1 digital-only issue


Winds of Change Pathways and AISES E-Opportunities Update are e-newsletters delivered at the end of the month and mid-month, respectively, to 12,000+ recipients


Packages are invoiced separately through the Winds of Change Media Publisher


Packages are customizable and may be leveraged for a larger purchase by contacting Winds of Change Media

Full page ad in Winds of Change National Conference (Fall) issue


1/4 page ad in Winds of Change National Conference Wrap-Up issue (digital-only)


One skyscraper banner in Winds of Change Pathways or AISES E-Opportunities Update newsletter


Flash enhancement to print ad (ad jolt) in the digital edition

1/2 page ad in Winds of Change National Conference (Fall) issue


1/4 page ad in Winds of Change National Conference Wrap-Up issue (digital-only)


One skyscraper banner in Winds of Change Pathways or AISES E-Opportunities Update newsletter


Flash enhancement to print ad (ad jolt) in the digital edition


1/3 page ad in Winds of Change National Conference (Fall) issue


1/4 page ad in Winds of Change National Conference Wrap-Up issue (digital-only)


One closing banner in Winds of Change Pathways or AISES E-Opportunities Update newsletter

1/4 page ad in Winds of Change National Conference (Fall) issue


1/4 page ad in Winds of Change National Conference Wrap-Up issue (digital-only)


One closing banner in Winds of Change Pathways or AISES E-Opportunities Update newsletter

Total Value $4,890 $3,970 $3,010 $2,590

Exclusive Cost to Gemstone Sponsor
(Special pricing included in sponsorship package price – not available separately.)

$4,400 $3,400 $2,400 $2,000


Thank You to Our 2016 Sponsors


© 2016 AISES. All rights reserved.