2016 AISES College Chapter Video Competition

AISES would like to invite your chapter to help other students prepare for the 2016 AISES National Conference. We would like your chapter to put together a short video explaining one or all of the topics listed below. These topics can be covered in a variety of ways, including but not limited to, role playing, roundtable discussion, example behavior, personal stories. The videos may include one or all of the members of your chapter. The final video will be comprised of chapter segments. Multiple chapters will be involved in the final video.


Chapter Video Components (choose one, several, or all):

  • Dress code for the AISES National Conference (Business attire)
  • Preparing for the AISES National Conference (what to pack, what to prepare ahead of time)
  • Importance of bringing a resume
  • Effective ways to network at the AISES National Conference
  • Tips for 1st time AISES Conference attendees
  • Most important events to attend while at the AISES National conference
  • Seeking out a mentor at the AISES National Conference
  • How to get the most out of the AISES National Conference

Application Process:

All applications packets must adhere to the application general requirements:

  • AISES Chapter Video Competition Application
  • Vimeo video link submission. In the privacy setting check the box to permit others to download.

General Requirements and Rules:

  • Video submission must cover one or more of the topics listed above.
  • Video submissions may be no more than 1 minute in length per topic covered.
  • The video must be your original.  No copyrighted music, video or images may be used without necessary authorizations.
  • Video submissions must comply with Vimeo’s Community Guidelines.

Evaluation of Applications:

Key elements to include in video:

  • Video competition topic
  • Chapter’s uniqueness and creativity


Any chapter that produces a segment(s) that wins a spot in the overall production will receive $100 for their chapter.


Thank You to Our 2016 Sponsors


© 2016 AISES. All rights reserved.