hackAISES: mini-hackathon


Schedule November 9, 2016

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: Registration

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM: Kickoff! Pitches and team formation

1:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Hacking period with API demos, various "pro-tips" and introductions throughout

7:00 PM - 7:45 PM: Data Party! Demos and team presentations; judging

7:45 PM - 8:00 PM: Awards

About hackAISES

The hackAISES event will be held on Wednesday, November 9th during the pre-conference events at the AISES National Conference. AISES is looking for 30-40 hackers to build projects and 12-16 professional members to volunteer as mentors during the mini-hackathon. Crash courses in coding basics, team building, api's, and other relevant information will be projected during the hackathon to potentially introduce students to new concepts. Mentors will be around to help students troubleshoot issues and answer questions. At the end of the hackathon, a wrap up session will give each team a chance to present and demonstrate their accomplishments as well as award some awesome prizes!

How is a mini-hack different than a regular hackathon?

Less time! Also as with most hackathons we are not looking for ideas that are entirely built or “baked." The important thing with a mini-hackathon is pitching your idea, engaging others, and showing potential ability to build upon it. We will seed the hackAISES website in the coming weeks with sample mini-hacks so you can get an idea of what we are looking for.


Students can choose to work on a project alone or on teams between 2-5 students.  Ideally there will be at least one student with technical knowledge and one student with presentation skills on each team. 


Participants may bring their own projects to the event to allow others to join or pitch projects on-site. Examples of projects revolving around the general theme of American Indian students range from building new data visualizations, creating an app, or writing a document. 

Examples of Possible Hacks

  • social network for indigenous communities
  • apps that help Indigenous students find scholarships
  • data on the causes of students dropping out of school and what can solve it 

Make something cool!

If you ever had a great app idea but didn't know where to go from there, hackAISES is for you! You can create anything from scratch (or if you already started working on something feel free to bring it, as long as you are okay showing it to others) and implement your creative ideas. Most of the hacks will be software based, but if you want to utilize hardware, feel free to bring in your own.

Let's create something awesome!

Curious but have no experience building an app?

This is a great place to learn the basics from others. We will have mentors on site to guide you if you have questions or need help. We are seeking enthusiastic students who are curious about tech. This is a place to have fun, enjoy tech, learn something, and maybe even win a prize!

Everyone is welcome!


Are you a student interested in participating in the hackAISES event?  Register for the conference and be sure to select the hackAISES event during registration.

Register Now

Are you a professional interested in volunteering as a mentor?  Sign-up in our volunteer database. 

Register Now

Thank You to Our 2016 Sponsors


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